Where is Anthony Concrete Design located?
Anthony Concrete Design is located in Canada, at 47 Bury Court, Brantford, ON N3S 7V2.
How do I receive a quote from Anthony Concrete Design?
To get a quote, please send us drawings, measurements and/or pictures plus the location of your project, by email or via our online contact form.
What is the price of concrete per square foot?
We don’t actually base our price on a typical square footage, because the price of a project depends on many variables, such as location, the complexity of production and/or installation, and the cost of labour. Feel free to send us your information so we can provide an accurate all-inclusive project price.
In what area does Anthony Concrete Design do business?
We offer our full services which includes drawings, fabrication and installation around the Greater Toronto Area and Southwestern Ontario.
We offer supply only across Canada and the United States.
Reach out to see how we can best service you.
Does Anthony Concrete Design ship their products?
Yes, we can ship our concrete panels to any destination in the world. Other concrete items can be shipped upon consultation. We provide an installation guide to help you through the installation process.
What can concrete be used for in interior design?
Our concrete can be used for a wide variety of applications, such as wall cladding, fireplace surrounds, tables, countertops, stairs, retail displays, desks and other custom products.
Is your concrete suitable for exterior applications?
Yes, our concrete is suitable for durable, long-lasting and beautiful exterior applications, such as outdoor fireplace surrounds, wall cladding, firepits, outdoor kitchens, store fronts and planters.
Do I need to reinforce the base or substrate to which concrete gets applied to?
Our concrete panels are naturally lightweight, which means that they won’t be heavier than any other kind of stone used in the same setting.
How should I prepare for installation?
Your wall or fireplace buildout should be level, plumb, secure and framed according to local building codes. Before fabrication can commence, the site has to be fully prepared so that accurate field measurements can be taken. This ensures a perfect installation of your product.
What lead times does Anthony Concrete Design have?
Typical fabrication turnaround times are 6-8 weeks. Lead times vary during periods of low and peak demand. Several weeks should also be added to the lead time for the consultation & preparation process.
How are the sizes and layout of my concrete panels determined?
As part of the consultation process, we will work with you to determine the best design, size, colour, texture and layout of your panels. We take great care to place joins and seams (if applicable) in the most suitable locations to make your concrete project as beautiful as can be. This is the advantage of fully customized panels with fabricated finished edges that fit your space or surround perfectly.
How do I take care of my concrete?
Our concrete is sealed with either a topical or water-based reactive sealer appropriate to your specific application. Concrete is a naturally porous material and it’s the sealer that gives it the protection. However, concrete can remain sensitive to oils and acids, so spills and contaminants should be wiped up with a damp, microfibre cloth and mild soap as soon as possible. No harsh chemicals or abrasives should be used. The appearance of your surface can change over time due weathering or to wear and tear through normal use.
What warranty does Anthony Concrete Design provide?
Anthony Concrete Design offers a one-year structural warranty at our discretion, and shall repair or replace product if it fails to maintain functional structural integrity for the intended purpose of the product solely due to a fabrication defect. This applies only to our products that have been handled, fabricated and installed by Anthony Concrete Design. For a more detailed description on what our warranty covers, please contact us.